Fly Fishing California's Great Waters is about flyfishing diversity; so if you're one of those fly-anglers who loves diversity pursuing all manner of species in both fresh water and salt, from panfish to blue sharks, then this book is a must. It details with text and photography all that you need to know to successfully fly-fish 11 of California's great waters for a multitude of species. No one knows these water better than native Californian and Fly Fishing Hall of Famer, Dan Blanton, who has been plying them for more than 45 years; and who has been writing about them and photographing them for 35 years. Considered a leading flyfishing pioneer, Dan knows what he is writing about and after reading this book, you will have gained a wealth of flyfishing experience, history and knowledge.
Frank Amato Publications,
P.O. Box 82112
Portland, Oregon 97282
Beautifully designed and loaded with great photos...
Kings of the North Coast |
San Francisco Bay |
The California Delta |
Largemouth Bass Wonderland |
Monterey Bay Potpourri |
Flies For Great Waters |
and Much more...
Fly Fishing California's Great Waters is available in softbound, hardbound and in numbered leatherbound, limited editions.
Softbound: $19.95
Hardbound: $35.00
Limited, numbered, Special Editions, including one of Dan Blanton's signature flies and a signed card: $95.00
For California only, add 8.25 % tax
$10.00 shipping and handling - priority US mail.
To order and receive a signed copy direct from Dan Blanton, mail check or money order, or call with credit card number to:
Dan Blanton
14720 Amberwood Lane
Morgan Hill, CA 95037
Phone: 408-778-0602